Social media has been a significant game changer in many industries. Once dismissed as the tool for teenagers and individuals who liked to socialize and make friends online, social media has been proven to be a powerful means for businesses to reach out to their target market and expand their reach in their respective industries. It has also become a tool for individuals to interact with other people anywhere on the world. Learn more about Pinterest and find out how you can leverage its benefits to your advantage.
What is Pinterest?
Pinterest is a social photo sharing site that allows users to post photos, videos, discussions and other images in a pinboard style application. Users can easily upload image files onto the site and create their own collections based on themes of their choice. They could also use the ‘Pin it’ function on the site to place images from another online site.
Why sign up?
Pinterest reportedly enjoyed more than 10 million visitors recently and is one of the fastest rising social sites online. For people who want to get in early and take advantage of a unique opportunity, Pinterest is a good option. The potential to market and expand is present in Pinterest and is excellent for people who want a more creative outlet for their hobbies and interests.

ComputerHowToGuide Pinterest Board
Learning from Pinning
Pinterest is the perfect tool for photographers, fashion designers, illustrators, bakers, food artists, comic book artists, graphic artists and interior designers who want a more flexible way to showcase their work. The site allows users to customize the look and style of their online pinboard to suit their taste and personality. Many people use the site as an extension of their blog or personal website, a place where potential buyers and clients may view their work.
The good news is that Pinterest is also a terrific tool for non-professionals to use. From students to housewives to individuals who wish to share what they find interesting with other users, the site can be utilized for promoting anything from food and recipes, music samples and videos to new places to travel to. The site allows users to categorize their content based on virtually anything, such as personal favorites, size, popularity, novelty, even color.
Pin it
The ‘Pin it’ feature can be utilized by the user or site owner but visitors to the site can also ‘re-pin’ content for use on their own pinboards. This allows users to keep track of which content is most popular among visitors and which ones are not getting any attention. Pinterest can also be accessed via popular social media sites such as Twitter and Facebook, making it easier to share images with friends and acquaintances.
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Unsocial? Let Pinterest work for you
If other social media sites are too overcrowded or mindboggling for you, Pinterest may just be the right tool for you. Simply ‘re-pin’, ‘mention’ or ‘like’. Interaction can start simply and later give way to messages and conversations. This works remarkably well if you are a bit shy or can best express yourself through images and videos. Be as creative as you like – Pinterest encourages originality – and watch your online credit grow.
Already joined Pinterest? What do you think of it so far? Yet to join? Why? Let us know in the comments.
Oh by the way, if you like this post and this blog, please follow us on Pinterest 🙂
Very nice post.. Peter .. 🙂 I also thought that pinterest will surely help photographers, fashion designers, illustrators, bakers, food artists, comic book artists, graphic artists and interior designers etc.But is it also helpfull for technical blogger?? if yes than how??
I think it helps Arunzee. Just use attractive images in your blog posts as well as use catchy headlines to grab attention. Follow those in the same or at least semi-related niche as yours. Not 100% guaranteed that it will bring lots of traffic though but it certainly brings in some 🙂 It’s not something magical, just like any other social media, you still need to manage and keep promoting. Good luck!
Hey Great Explantation. I am using Pinterest and its really awesome to gain your visitor if you have attractive picture.
Yes Amit. People tend to pay more attention to images. As they said, a picture is worth a thousand words. Also I find catchy headlines help a lot too.
Pinterest is a great social network as we can both share our pictures and search for images. In addition, if we use the right techniques we will also bring some traffic to our blogs.
Pinterest also gives you the opportunity to obtain design ideas, find recipes, and even fashion inspiration. 🙂
Pinterest is one of the ways we can use to increase traffic and promote the sites we have.. Thanks Peter for your awesome share here!
I’m kinda addicted to it! It sure has lots of interesting images in there from all the users. Not only one of the ways to promote our sites and attract traffic, but it is also a good place to spend some time on looking for some amazing pictures. Nice to see you here Sarvanshu.
Pinterest has been generating lots of review yet I don’t find it useful till now. Maybe in future when all of my friends join it, I will start using it.
Isn’t joining social media is to get to know more new friends? Why wait for your friends to join? Don’t you want new followers or new audience Bishwajeet? What’s the point waiting for your friends to join that in the end all the followers in your Pinterest account are the same as those in your Facebook acccount? Why not just start to explore Pinterest on your own and try to get some new faces instead? 🙂
Pinterest is really one of the fastest growing social network and much helpful for bloggers. This is one of the best place to keep your boards.
I personally find Pinterest a great place to spend some time on and look at some interesting images. Thanks for stopping by Chiranjeev.
Pinterest is starting to get really big! It’s becoming a social media website, and a good place to gain cheap advertisement.