How to Fix Broken Laptop Screen by Yourself

Replacing a broken laptop screen is a fairly straightforward DIY project that almost anyone can tackle. Laptop screens are notoriously fragile and can become damaged or broken for a variety of reasons. In this article, find out the step-by-step guide and tips on how to fix broken laptop screen by yourself.

Make sure it’s the laptop screen that’s broken

Just because the laptop screen is broken doesn’t necessarily mean the entire computer is damaged. One way to determine where the problem lies – the screen or the computer – is to connect your laptop to an external video monitor. If the images displayed on the external monitor are normal, then the laptop screen is the problem; if the monitor is black, then your computer has probably sustained some kind of damage and needs the attention of a certified repair person.

how to fix broken laptop screen

Get the tools ready

You will need a replacement laptop screen and a few simple tools.

A quick internet search will provide you with the names of several companies that provide OEM replacement laptop screens at reasonable prices.

The replacement procedure requires only a few simple tools: a Philips screwdriver and a something that can be used to lift the screw covers off the screws that secure the screen assembly. This can be a flat head screwdriver, an exacto blade, and putty knife – basically any tool that can be used as a wedge is acceptable.

You may also want to get a small container to prevent the screws from being lost and a towel or other cloth to protect the laptop during the replacement process.

Step-by-Step: How to Fix Broken Laptop Screen

1. Removing the Damaged Screen

Before you begin, make sure you follow some basic computer repair safety tips such as : shut down the computer, unplug it and/or remove the laptop battery.

  • Lift the laptop’s display cover.

  • Using the wedge tool, remove the screw covers on the screen bezel – that’s the plastic enclosure that holds the screen in place on the display cover. There are usually four to six screws, depending on the brand.

  • Now, remove the screws from the bezel using your Philips screwdriver.

  • Carefully detach the screen by unsnapping it from the front plastic bezel.

  • Tilt the screen slightly forward and remove the screws from the metal bracket that secures the screen.  (Some laptop computers have Wi-Fi antennas affixed to the metal brackets – it will have to be removed as well.) Remove the bottom screws first, and then take out the top ones.

  • Disconnect the video cable (gently removing the tape or clip that keeps it in place) and unplug the invertor cable.

2. Now You’re Ready To Install the New Laptop Screen

To install the new screen, just repeat the previous steps in reverse order:

  • Place the new screen in its metal bracket, reattach the video and invertor cable.

  • Secure the screen to the metal bracket, and re-snap the bezel into place.

  • Replace the screws and the screw covers.

  • Plug in the power cord and turn on the computer. If no mistakes were made, then the screen should be as good as new.

Contact the company that supplied you with the replacement screen if there are any issues. They can usually help troubleshoot any problems, and assist you in your DIY ‘how to fix broken laptop screen’ project!


Replacing a laptop screen yourself can save both time and money. The removal and installation process only takes about half an hour to complete. All that’s required is a replacement screen, a few simple tools and a little patience.

[Image via: Google Images]


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