How Mobile Phones Have Changed Our Lives

Ever since the first models came out in the mid-80s, mobile phones have quietly changed the way we communicate, exchange ideas and do business. Hate them or love them, mobile phones have revolutionized the world’s industries, creating opportunities in production, manufacturing, finance, marketing and human resources, to name a few. These gadgets have also changed how we live our day-to-day lives.

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In a mobile society, the primary mode of communication is now the handheld phone. The impact of mobile electronic gadgets is such that it has become inconvenient to do without them. In fact, a recent report by the World Bank has concluded that the world is going to have more mobile phones than people soon. Whether we realize it or not, how mobile phones have changed our lives is merely a reflection of our ability and willingness to adapt. Here is a look at the ways the ubiquitous mobile phone have made our present society the way it is today:

1. Setting appointments has become easier

people using mobile phones

There is a joke about how many of the tragedies told in Shakespeare’s plays would have been averted if only the characters had mobile phones. Today, setting a meeting or a date requires only a few buttons pushed; changing the time, day and other details is as easy as sending a line of text in an electronic message, calling another mobile phone user or leaving a voice mail – no letters, memos, sticky pads or notes hastily written on napkins.

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2. Communicating from virtually anywhere is possible

mobile phones

Making a call through a wireless device? Check. Booking that air ticket to your favorite holiday destination? Check. Calling mom on a vacation from an isolated beach? Check. Sending a text message from the top of the highest building in the world? Check. Sending the boss a corrected copy of last week’s report while on a two-hour commute? Check. Making changes on your personal website while shopping? Check. Sending your followers your latest tweet while walking the dog? Check. Mobile phones let you do virtually anything these days, opening up opportunities to exchange ideas while on the move.

With mobile phones, location, time zones and geography no longer limit how we do business or go about our personal lives. With the help of satellite technology, it is now possible to send and receive calls from places where conventional telecommunication systems failed in the past. Whether it is in the middle of the desert, the ocean or a remote jungle, finding a way to talk to someone has become easier and more convenient.

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3. We have a convenient means to document our lives

women taking photos with mobile phone

From built-in cameras to apps that allow us to post photos, messages and videos on websites, blogs, forums and social networking, mobile phones have given us a number of opportunities to open up our lives to other people and vice versa.

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4. Our gaming and entertainment methods have changed

playing games on mobile phone

Most mobile phones come with onboard gaming apps and entertainment software. With handheld technology, there is really no excuse for us to be bored. With a mobile phone, we have access to nearly every type of game available – games that challenge the mind, improve our strategic and planning skills, boost memory, encourage teamwork and yes, test our patience. Tired of pushing the buttons? Try the radio, video, TV or audio music app that comes with your phone – listen to music, create music, watch TV or download a video while waiting for the plane at the airport or for a friend at the corner coffee shop.

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5. We can do business with a handheld gadget

businessmen using mobile phones while walking

People get hired, contracts are signed, products are bought, stocks are checked, businesses are started and suppliers are found using a tool weighing just a few grams. Service providers have paired with computer and mobile technology security companies to ensure that transactions are more secure and safe. Mobile phones available on contract, for example, offer their subscribers secured browsing, banking and payment transactions once their phones are hooked online. With mobile phones, we can shop from anywhere, buy nearly anything, look for jobs and even earn.

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Do you remember what our life was like in 20 years ago without the mobile phone? Can you imagine a day without it now? I would feel quite awkward to go anywhere without my phone. It’s even scary sometimes… What are your thoughts? Let us know in the comments.


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