Why Computer Scientists Will Soon Be The Only People With Jobs

Working as a computer scientist in today’s world is highly recommended with a growing job outlook increasing rapidly over the next few decades. Computer scientists specialize in developing and designing new technology to help with improving productivity, efficiency, and the overall purpose of computers and the electronics we create today. In the future, computer scientists may be some of the only individuals who have jobs left, especially as more and more of daily life become automated.

[Read more: What Do Computer Scientist Do?]

why computer scientists will have more jobs

Rapid Advancements

Rapid advancements in technology will soon eliminate jobs that can be done by a computer program in less time and often without errors. The rapid advancements that are being made by computer scientists and researchers contribute to the automation of certain jobs that are currently filled by people but in the near future will not be necessary. Computer scientists work to develop new computers and technology that will vastly improve many areas of life while potentially increasing the risk for individuals who are currently filling those positions to lose their jobs.

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Automation Capabilities

As we become more advanced technologically, automation capabilities are nearly implemented in all gadgets from mobile phones and computers to home and kitchen appliances. Automation capabilities within computers and electronics may eliminate the need for customer service, repair technicians and even those who are currently managing or operating computer systems for a company. An automated computer system may be capable of diagnosing and fixing any problems it encounters in the future without the assistance of a living, breathing person.

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The more automated computers become over time, the easier it will be to eliminate positions that are no longer necessary or serve a valid purpose. Automation capabilities may cause computer scientists and programmers to have the only jobs being worked by real people in any industry or type of business.

Cutting Costs And Generating More Revenue

Cutting costs and generating more revenue with the use of technology is another reason that computer scientists may soon be the only people with real jobs in a rapidly advancing society. By implementing automated systems and computer programs with intelligence, companies can immediately cut costs by eliminating real workers, saving on payroll taxes, health insurance, and paying salaries altogether. With computer systems and technology that have been developed by computer scientists themselves, it is also possible to create business models that will ultimately help to generate more revenue and profit.

Without having to hire people to fill specific positions in any industry, profits that are generated will increase and the amount of overhead costs will be drastically reduced over time. Computer scientists are working to research various methods of allowing computer to run entire companies on their own, which may also pose a threat to those who are currently working as office, finance, business or strategy planners within any type of company.

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Societal Transformation

As we continue to increase how much we rely on technology in our everyday lives, the way we live in our world also changes. When society changes at an alarming rate moving towards technology, it is imperative to keep up with the research provided by computer scientists who specialize in innovative and original designs. Computer scientists help to shape the future of our society as a whole with their new developments and inventions that may boost productivity and efficiency in the workplace all while eliminating available positions for others.

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[Image credit: Holidayextras, Flickr]


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