Can My Phone Get a Virus?

Unfortunately, smartphones are prone to getting viruses. In fact, four percent of Americans will receive a virus in the coming year. This number has grown from 2009. At that time, the number was only one percent of smartphone users. Consumers need to make sure they are protected. Mobile applications are available to assist with this endeavor. Here are some tips about cell phones and malware that will help keep a cell phone protected.

can my phone get a virus

Smartphones can indeed be infected with viruses and other forms of malware.

How Can You Tell When You Have a Virus?

A phone that has a virus will begin to operate slower than normal. Navigation times may increase and load times may increase. The phone screen may become completely blank, or the phone may have limited functionality. The phones behavior will largely depend on the type of virus that has been downloaded.

How Does a Phone Get Infected?

Most cell phones have protective measures in place that make them safer than computers. Even with the cell phone protective measures, the phones may become vulnerable to attackers through Bluetooth technology. When numbers are transferred via this technology, malware can be installed onto smartphones. Phone with Internet are also vulnerable. Downloading applications to the phone, text messages and videos can also compromise smartphones.

[Read also: Here’s What You Need to Know About Android Malware]

What Statistics are Available Regarding Viruses?

Between 2009 and 2011, the number of malware cases increased. The number almost quadrupled and increased from 4,781 cases to 22,600 cases. Android phones have been especially under attack. Since nearly 47 percent of the phones in America are Android-based and 75% of mobile malware targets Android, this poses a huge concern in terms of security.

How Can You Remove a Virus?

Viruses can easily be removed by using a malware removal program. Companies, such as Webroot, offer malware removal programs in conjunction with the malware prevention programs. The programs have a friendly interface that is easy to navigate and use. Most people can use malware programs without any technical savvy. This is essential to the proper operation of a cell phone.

How Can You Protect Against a Virus?

protect your phone against viruses

The best way to protect your smartphone is to install updates as quickly as you can and avoid installing apps from sites that you don’t know much about.

The most popular way to protect against a virus is to download an application to help in the fight. Some of the most popular virus protection applications can be obtained for free. The most popular applications for virus protection include: Webroot SecureAnywhere Mobile, Avast Free Mobile Security, AVG Mobilation Anti-Virus Free, and Norton Mobile Security Lite.

These popular anti-virus software programs not only protect against viruses but also against theft and loss. If the phone is lost, there are remote locking features and GPS features designed to locate the phone’s location. Data from the phone can also be erased remotely.

To keep the phone protected, updates may continually be downloaded from the application to the phone. This will ensure that the latest viruses cannot affect the smartphone. Since smartphones are like mini-computers, the protective measures should be handled similarly.

Protect Your Phone Against Viruses

If you have a smartphone, download a free anti-virus application immediately. Most of the best applications are produced by reputable businesses that also have small business solutions. Web security is not just for your computer anymore. The best way to protect a smartphone is to prevent a virus from attacking the phone. Since software applications are free, for the most part, you have nothing to lose by trying out one of the many anti-virus, anti-malware applications.

[Read also: How to Prevent Cell Phone Hacking]

Should we be concerned about viruses on our smartphones? Tell us what you think in the comments.


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