What is cloud computing? It is a resource of hardware and software services that are delivered over the Internet. The name comes from the diagram used to describe the functions and interactions of all the components involved. There are dozens of different types of cloud computing including: Infrastructure as a service, Software as a service and security as a service.
For business using the cloud computing model, they will usually allow a user access to software which is installed on their computer to access the database.

The history of cloud computing is a little cloudy (no pun intended), but was used by the first computer analysts as a way to denote certain mainframes and operational systems used within the context of the internet. Cloud computing has many benefits for the user and comes with a host of characteristics that can improved. It can become more agile as the users learns to re-provision certain infrastructures. It has the advantage of device to location independence meaning users can access the Internet from anywhere they are located. In the past users where confined to their location in order to access certain web browsing systems.
Why it is Useful
Cloud computing is useful for anyone who may use several different platforms for work. Anyone who may want to work on the go and are in different locations, or a company that has offices in several locations with sales people out on the road, or a writer can start work at the desktop computer at home, and finish on a laptop at the local coffee shop without ever having to save anything to a flash drive.
It’s also great for working in groups. If you and your team are separated, all you have to do is log onto your cloud software and you all can update one another instantly through it. This will allow you all to work without sending e-mails back and forth, or even being on the telephone while trying to do the work. Using a cloud system for a company can be very simple but if you’re not the most IT savvy then you can hire an IT company the likes of TSG to aid in your support. You can find an IT company in your local area by searching on Google.
Read also: 10 Lucrative Cloud Computing Jobs: Skills and Salaries Unveiled
Other Characteristics and Advantages of Cloud Computing
The reliability of cloud computing is increased if used with similar sites redundantly. Also as the reliability of the computing increase so does the performance of it. With the increase of performance will be monitored by the constant usage of it. Security can be improved by displacing the information over a wide area of devices. Maintenance can be increased if placed on more than one user’s computer and from different areas.
Read also: Tips for Safely Using the Cloud
Cloud computing is a diagram of all the interactions of different components of the computer network and internet. Different systems can be used to promote, protect and increase the productivity of the infrastructures.
Here’s a video on: What is Cloud Computing?
Read also: 6 Important Features to Consider When Choosing a Cloud Service Provider
Hi Peter Lee
Thanks For this Great Information… now a days cloud computing is most popular… Thanks for Sharing 🙂
Thanks for stopping by, Mosam!
Good article Peter,
But isn’t cloud computing just an easy way for administrators to “loose” your data?
Won’t they just say oh it WAS in the cloud?
I have seen some of these CLOUD architectures being implemented and mostly all they do is stack virtual machines and databases on top of the same physical machine.
There is only one server in the rack but suddenly 2000+ “server” nodes appear on the network.
I’m like come on man.
In my view it’s good for admin convenience bad for security.
Yeah… Security is my main concern in the cloud and that’s why I keep my sensitive data offline.
Actually, the video really is a big help and provides great advantage. I am so glad I was able to check this out and I have gained new knowledge about this cloud computing.
Hi Peter, Great article bro. BTW Cloud Computing is becoming more popular but the main drawback in cloud computing is security. Cloud Computing is going to rock in the coming days. Thanks for Sharing!
Yeah, security… I guess nothing is perfect.
Very helpful post! I am not really into cloud computing, though i am thinking of trying this one out.
wow…this is a great cloud computing 101. cloud computing is still quite expensive when compared to just using offline computing. However, icloud computing gives you the ability to access your data anywhere in the world.
Yeah, just like everything else, cloud computing also has its own pros and cons. While it may help in certain ways, it could also cause damages if not used properly.
This is the first time I have encountered the cloud computing method and I find it so beneficial. Thank you for sharing this information with us. I learn new things every day thanks to your site.
In terms of SaaS (software as a service) the beauty is you can access the software on any device, wherever you are, as long as you have an internet connection. This is particularly useful these days with many people wishing to use multiple devices (desktops, laptops, tablets, smart phones etc). For businesses whose employees work across more than one office this is also particularly useful. It can actually have a security benefit as well; if you lose your computer or it breaks you can still access your software via another one.
Really cloud computing is very important for everyone ,here about cloud computing in helpful information.nice posting …thanks
Hey Peter..
Very exited to tell you ,I am a EC engineering ,student.I just finish a workshop on cloud computing a week ago.Now after a workshop and reading your article ,I fell my self very familiar with cloud computing.Nice way to explain topics.Thanks for nice sharing to all of us.
Glad to know! Thanks for visiting, Mahendra! 🙂
Cloud computing has always amazed me. Since its capabilities are limitless I love could computing. The only problem I found with is like the speed of your internet connection