Running a business is a monumental task that shouldn’t be taken lightly. There are hundreds of different things that could go wrong should you neglect your business for even a second. Your brand could be stolen, a computer virus could destroy your data, a fire could burn down your office or a disgruntled employee could sue you for something ridiculous and cost you a ludicrous amount of money.
While some of those situations seem ridiculous, they are completely possible scenarios that no business owner wants to be in. So to help you step over those pitfalls, here are three things that could ruin your business and how you can prevent them before they get out of hand.
Disaster recovery of data
Whether it’s a computer virus that spread across your office network or a fire that burned down your server room, you need to prepare for disaster situations that could destroy important client information. Firstly, it’s a good idea to install antivirus software on computers and also resort to a hardware firewall to add to your network for an extra layer of security. You might think that Mac computers are safe from viruses, but there are antivirus programs for Apple as well.
Now that you’ve established some form of protection, you also need to think about recovering data. The cheapest option is to use cloud storage to backup your files. An automatic backup one once per night is sufficient, but it’s never a bad idea to have multiple backups throughout the day. You should also contact an sql database recovery service if a lot of client information in your databases was lost.
Preparing a legal team
A frustrated employee suing you for something ridiculous like sexual harassment or discrimination could build up a case against you solely on lies and media attention. An angry customer could also create a case against you for something as small as you not answering their calls. As long as the media picks it up as a sensational or controversial story, you’ll be in deep trouble if you don’t have a legal team for your business.
Not only can a legal team protect you from ridiculous claims, they can deter people from ever trying to sue you for random things to try and get money from your company.
Protect your brand
If you have a trademark or copyright for something, then you better protect it. Not only can people steal your trademark if you haven’t used it for a long time or failed to protect it, people can also imitate your product in an attempt to tarnish your name and make money off it in the process with cheap imitations of your product. In some cases, people might also try to mimic your product and try to steal your audience.
Without your brand, your business will plummet. Customers will stop having faith in you and before you know it, your profits will fall and your business will suffer a long and painful death. Make sure you protect your brand and prevent this disaster from ever happening!
[Image credit: Image 1 / Image 2 / Image 3]