Going through the ordeal of a car accident can create a sense of panic for the parties who are involved. The sudden jolt of the accident can also make it difficult to think rationally and can hinder your ability to take the necessary steps to try to resolve the situation, such as getting in touch with your insurance company or, in more severe crashes, someone like this car accident lawyer in Denver to help you recover compensation for any injuries sustained. Fortunately, there are numerous apps available to assist people in dealing with the events of a car accident.

Image by Flickr user : califrayray
Pocket First Aid & CPR
This Jive Media app features up-to-date first aid and CPR information for users. Lifesaving procedures can easily be accessed and are thoroughly detailed so that users can understand the techniques to help others who may have been seriously injured in the crash. The information for doctors and other emergency contacts can also be stored. The app even lets users customize the wallpaper with their own medical information.
Help I Crashed My Car
People who are involved in a car accident can turn to this app, which was designed by Summit Mobile Solutions, Inc., to contact up to three family members. The app allows users to store auto insurance information such as agent contacts and the specifics of an insurance policy. Users can even utilize the app to contact emergency services, towing companies and preferred auto body shops. Accident reports can also be taken and directly sent to insurance companies for evaluation.
C.A.R. (Car Accident Report)
This Inventive Touch app is particularly useful for taking down information from the other parties who may have been involved in the accident and any other witnesses. The app also allows users to take down vehicle information and the specifics of the accident location. A camera feature and voice recorder are included to capture even more accurate and detailed information. The app even comes with a drawing pad for users who wish to sketch out any pertinent information.
Users of this Vurgood Applications app can enjoy the features found on other similar apps. One unique feature of this app is that it asks users a series of questions in logical order, such as the accident location and the other party’s license plate number, in order to help them stay focused while getting all of the necessary details. Accident information can then be saved in a PDF format and sent directly to insurance companies and auto body shops.
Users of this Android app can have extra security in knowing that they will get the help they need in a worse case situation. As soon as a car gets into an accident, an alarm on the user’s phone will go off and send a message to a predetermined emergency contact if the alarm is not turned off within 60 seconds. Location information is transmitted to the emergency contact along with GPS coordinates for faster tracking.
Getting into a car accident can definitely become a chaotic situation. These helpful apps can help keep parties involved more organized and calm. Using these apps can help save lives and capture the most important details of any car accident scene.
[Read also: How Smartphone Apps Can Assist Car Shoppers]
Cool apps and very useful, I’ll definitely try one of these.. 🙂
There really is an app for everything these days! I had never even thought about how useful a smartphone could be after an accident.
The Car Accident Report app sounds really useful, it is always important to make sure you have all the details you need.
Some really good apps here Andrew, thank you for making me think 🙂
Those apps might be quite useful, especially in the west.
Here in China, when two cars hit eachother, they need to stop and wait for the police. right where they are. if this is in the middle of a busy road, creating a big traffic jam, so be it.
This is so the police can more easily see what happened.
Also there are more and more insurance companies that force you to built in a special dashboard camera that will start recording when it senses an accident happening. Like you braking very hard.
This way the insurance company has video proof that their client was/ or hopefully in their case Wasn’t the cause of the accident.
I have to agree with Christopher, I can’t believe how many apps there are! Even for niche areas such as for car accidents!
I have to admit, if I had a car accident my first instinct probably wouldn’t be to get my iPhone out to use an app, but it’s good to have these never the less 😛
These apps are very helpful and very handy. Nowadays, technology really helpful in our day to day life. Thanks for sharing these useful apps that can really help in times of accidents which can even save life.
Agree with you. Especially the usage of smartphones are increasing and application developers are creating new applications everyday to make our lifestyle easy. Thanks a lot to @Peter for posting about these useful car accident apps which can be life saving apps for many people.
I have to agree that these apps are pretty cool and super helpful, but when you need to preform CPR are you really going to have time to look up the directions and follow it step-by-step?