Good computer maintenance is incredibly important when making sure that your computer will be able to serve you well. Today, technology has improved so much, most people don’t need to upgrade their computers very often, but they do need it to last longer. Here are some things you can do to keep your computer in good condition.

6 simple tips on how to keep your computer in good condition
1. Maintaining your hard drive
The first step to keeping your computer in good condition is to run routine maintenance programs. These maintenance programs, such as disk defragmentation and disk cleaning, will make sure that your program is running quickly and efficiently. Defragmenting the disk is especially important because it moves all of the data on the disk to specific places. When the data on the disk is spread across the disk it creates additional wear and tear on the disk, which can cause the disk to fail.
Read also: Maintaining Your Computer Saves You Money on Repairs and New Purchases
2. Running virus scans
Your virus scanner should always be on, and you should regularly scan your computer for both viruses and adware. These items can all slow your computer down significantly and even expose your personal information to strangers. There are many free virus protection sites out there today, so keeping your computer protected is very easy to do. Once a virus is found on your system, everything possible should be done to remove the virus before resuming normal actions on the computer.
Read also: Where Computer Viruses Lurk
3. Keep your computer clean
A computer needs to be kept physically clean in order to run at peak efficiency. Many people do not realize this, but computer systems capture dust, pet hair, and other particles because of their fan systems. The inside of a computer system can get very dirty very quickly, and all of the excess dust inside of the system will cause the system to overheat. Canned air can be applied liberally to remove dust. Many computer repair desks will charge for this service but it’s very easy to do at home.
Read also: Keeping Your PC In Order
4. Keep your computer off the carpet
It’s best to keep your computer elevated over carpet, especially if you are in a hot area. Carpet will insulate the computer and contribute dust to it. Overheating is a very serious issue and will be more common if you put your computer directly on a thick pile carpet in a hot area.
Read also: How to Know if Your Computer Has Got A Problem and Needs Attention
5. Turn your computer off (when not in use)
While computers don’t use that much power, computers slowly wear down when they’re on. Today, most people tend to leave their computers on all the time. This isn’t wise because it increases the statistical likelihood of a component failing. If you won’t be using your computer for a few hours, then you should either turn it off or put it into sleep mode. One of the major components that fail in computers is the power supply.
6. React when something seems wrong
If despite these tips your computer starts to give you errors when doing routine tasks you should immediately find out what has gone wrong. If you wait, especially in the case of hard drive errors, the problem may get progressively worse and you could lose all your data.
Read also: Are You Keeping Your Computer in Optimal Operating Condition?
How to keep your computer in good condition: conclusion
Maintaining your computer is essential for its optimal performance and longevity. By following a few simple steps, you can ensure that your computer remains in good condition. These practices will help your computer run efficiently, minimize the risk of hardware failures and protect your data. Taking care of your computer will ensure that it serves you well and lasts longer.
So to recap, here’s how to keep your computer in good condition:
- Maintaining your hard drive
- Running virus scans
- Keep your computer clean
- Keep your computer off the carpet
- Turn your computer off (when not in use)
- React when something seems wrong
Read also: Why is My Computer So Slow All of A Sudden? (Causes and Fixes)
Great tips. Yeah, you know, one cool device I discovered recently was this cooling holder for laptop with a fan inside, it cools down the laptop when it’s getting too hot. And funny photo as well, Again about this heat that laptop produces – my mate likes to sit next to it and catches these hot streams of air))
Laptop cooling stand holder – yeah I’m using one. It was a free gift when I bought my laptop. Works fine!
Another point which you forgot to add is “Get scheduled servicing”. You must take your computer to an expert at least once a year to get it’s cleaning done. Accumulating dust greatly effects your system’s performance.
Yearly scheduled servicing? Hmm… Maybe. I only do that to my car though…, monthly of course! 🙂
Very nice tips Grayson. I personally liked the “keep your computer clean” part because I have noticed that phenomenon were the dust and other dirt slows up a PC. I have added it to my monthly schedule to open up my PC cabinet and clean off the dust and I have experienced good results.
You do that monthly, Mahaveer? Gosh, I only do it once a year! OK I know… I’m lazy!! 😉
Cute cat but not such a cute act!!!
PC protection now a days require special attention thanks to the fact that it has become an integral part of our life. Be it the hardware or the software, we have to be extra vigilant that our precious machine is not subjected to any kind of abuse.
Thanks for sharing these wonderful points!!!
Most people tend to take “very” good care of their machines when brand new. But it’s not always the case after a certain period of time. Maybe they are hoping it will get damaged, hence a reason to get a brand new one? 🙂
We are like kids, we admire and treasure a new toy, in this case our gadgets and later on shun them aside to get a new one. Hope people including myself will grow up after reading this post. 😀
Good one Peter,
People have no idea how much power these computers are using.
Especially these gaming towers with the dual 600W power supplies.
That’s like leaving all the lights on in your house all day just because.
Plus that hard drive will only spin so many times then one day it’s toast.
Yeah I know what you mean. And these tiny little things could add up that will shorten the computer’s lifespan for sure!
600? What about 1000W? And personally I don’t understand why people tend not to switch off their computers. Firstly, you save some energy. Secondly, when constantly on, a computer begins to glitch no matter how powerful it is. It’s just a matter of how much time it is on.
I’m totally agreed with you, Keep the computer clean and dust free will double its life. Disk fragmentation and cleanup process help you to run your PC faster, I do run this process through tuneup software.
Run the complete virus scan minimum twice a week help to protect the system from viruses and bugs.
Yep! My thoughts exactly!! 🙂
hello grayson
really some cool but effective tips to keep our computer in good conditition. i am lazy and thats why i never perform antivirus scans and i never take care about cleaning my pc with utilities but after reading this post i will scan my pc atleast once. thanks for the info. and the image you attached is really awesome
Glad you enjoyed reading the article, Prabhat! Keep visiting 🙂
Hey man, I got a serious problem in here! Earlier my CPU fan used to run slowly I.e. no noise, it only occasionally fired up while playing games etc.. But since 2-3 days it always keeps running at full speed. And the noise distracts me a lot! What do I do?
If you aren’t sure, it’s always a good idea to bring it to a professional for help.
Since I am earning with the help of my computer, I am treating so importantly. I take care of it as much as I am taking care of my pets. Without this, I would surely have no ways of working.
My laptop holds a very significant place in my career as well as in my life. Therefore, I make it sure to keep my tiny laptop clean and free from dust. To protect it from the viruses, I run the virus scan weekly. Thanks for the tips. I will incorporate them in my routine.
You’re most welcome, Aayna! Keep visiting!
I have this bad habit of placing the computer on the bed or the carpet for some time and then leave it on their. We all have some careless habits when it comes to electronics usage. Thanks for sharing the post; will definitely help in mending my ways 😉
A day without a computer ?Oh God I can’t imagine this now.ya but if we don’t care for our computer ,This can happen.Cleaning up computer is a good habit.Even it is not that much tough.Am I right Peter?What you have to do is just manage a hour and open the computer. Clean up the dust from every part ,and assemble all parts ton previous positions.I have my own tool kit of crew and drivers. Everybody should have.The most important part of my computer when I open it ,is fan.
Good to know! I think if one spent so much money buying a computer, it should be well taken care of so that it’ll stay with us longer. However, I doubt most computer users would clean their computers regularly.
Hey Peter,
Its good if using these steps to make our computer in good condition and they serve us more and these steps mentioned by you are easy and everyone easily applied it. First three point are really very important.
Hello Peter Lee,
I just first time using your blog, and I just only say its awesome. I always to maintain my PC and scan it before use any kind of devices. Your article is really great . Thanks
Thanks for your comment! Hope to see you around, Vivek!