Thinking of buying a new computer and don’t know what to do with the old one? The best option is to sell the used computer or you might want to read our previous article about how to get rid of your old computers. There are number of reasons to sell an old computer. The best reason is that you can get some money by selling your old computer and purchase a new one with the latest technology and features. Here is how you can sell a used computer :

Any ideas on how to sell used computers? Tell us in the comments.
This is the best way to sell your computer. There are number of online dealers, auctions or classifieds such as eBay, Amazon etc that can be used for selling purposes. You just need to provide a description about the configuration and a picture of a computer on their website. You can also quote a price above which you want to sell your computer. Other people looking for a used PC will place bids with different prices. After that, you can choose the one that bests suits you. This method requires less time and effort.
[Read also: Buying and Selling Gadgets on eBay – What You Need to Know]
Sell it to Educational Institutions
You can contact a nearby school or institution asking them if they require any computer or not. You can easily sell your computer to these types of institutions as they do not require high performance systems. Computers can also be sold to students as most of them do not have earnings or savings.
Sell it to A Local Computer Shop
You can ask your local computer dealer to buy your old computer. They further sell them to people who require them for simple purposes such as internet browsing and play games as most of them do not want to spend much money on new ones.
However, there are certain things you need to keep in mind while selling your computer. First, clean the dust/dirt properly from the old computer. The second important thing is to erase all the data present on the hard disk.
Any other ways to sell used computers? Please share.