Make Your Tweet Short, Sweet and to The Point

If you want to gain a following on Twitter, or simply keep your friends and family entertained , it is important to make the most of the limited word count contained in your posts. To keep people interested, make sure your tweets are relevant, interesting, compelling, or even amusing.

how to write better tweets

For Businesses Using Twitter, Stick With A Theme

If you’re a business, provide your readers with a reason to keep following you. Stick with a theme that relates to your business, and provide useful information or news pertaining to it. Keeping your customers in the know and engaged in your business is the goal. Not only is this platform a great social tool, Twitter is also a great marketing tool, so use it to your advantage. If you’re strictly using Twitter for social purposes to connect with friends and family, keep things to the point, yet interesting. Adding a dash of humor goes a long way as well.

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Working Within The Character Limitations

Each tweet can only be a maximum of 140 characters. It is actually advisable to keep your tweets at around a 100 character word count, leaving space for the URL and allowing enough blank space for people to re-tweet. Think of it as somewhat like a headline in a newspaper, it needs to grab the reader’s attention in a few words to pique their interest. The ultimate goal is then for the reader to take some course of action, such as clicking on a link, re-tweeting the post, or continuing to follow you.

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Don’t Give Away Too Much Information

To build a successful Twitter community when using it for business purposes, it is important to not give away too much information within the tweet. For instance, if you are having a sale, perhaps mention that a big announcement is coming later that day or tomorrow. The important part here is then to keep your word and deliver on the promise. For example, if you’re promoting a huge store wide sale, don’t provide a link with useless information. Your goal is to get the customers interested, and give them what they are looking for after they click on the link. If you give them what they want, they will continue to follow you.

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Ask Yourself How You Can Make Your Tweets More Relevant and Interesting

Before posting a tweet, take one last look at it to see if it can be improved upon. Ask yourself if it is relevant to your intended audience, and is it interesting? Ask yourself if the tweet is doing its job by promoting your business in a positive way, if using it for business purposes. Spice it up with a little humor if it is lacking something, or remove unnecessary words that really add nothing to the tweet but just take up valuable character space. Mastering the art of writing good tweets can also help your writing improve in other areas of life, so it is a skill worth learning.

Whether using Twitter for personal use or for business purposes, writing effective tweets is a great way to keep connected with your friends, family and/or customers.

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  1. Ray
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