How Social Networking Can Help Your Brand

If you run your own business, small or large, social networking can be a great tool for getting your brand out there.  It is important to understand that your businesses brand needs to be about more than just your logo, fonts and color scheme.  These things are certainly important and should be incorporated into any social networking page you have where possible, but more important in the world of social networking is your company’s personality.

Getting the logo and color schemes right is fairly easy particularly if you use digital brand management software, but putting your company’s personality across is far harder.

How do you or people you know use social networking to help their brand? Let us know in the comments.

What is your company’s online personality?

Social networking is a very personal platform; you will be talking to your customers in the same forum as they use to interact with their friends.  You need to make sure that you are talking about things that are relevant to your customers and to your company.  The things you decide to talk about, the way you express yourself and the opinions you give all help customers associate you with a personality.  Your Facebook page and posts should be less about advertising your products or services and more talking about things that will be of interest to people who like these products.

[Read also: 5 Strategies to Engage Your Audience on Social Media]

Why does your company need a personality?

You are trying to help customers perceive your company as something they agree with and want to support.  They are going to buy from you because they agree with what you stand for, or they think you are the cool place to shop or best yet they almost consider you to be a friend.  If you’re successful at this you will have establish brand loyalty and customers will shop from you first and keep coming back.  This is obviously great for your business.

[Read also: How to Leverage Professional Headshots for Personal Branding]

How do you do this?

Create accounts on all the key social networking and sharing sites, start with the big ones like Facebook, X (formerly Twitter) and YouTube then post regular content that is of genuine interest.

Make fun YouTube videos about your product, and make your Twitter feed the go to place for news on your product.  Make it something people will want to interact with.  Then promote your sites as much as you can to get people following them and it should start to drive online business to your company.

[Read also: How to Incorporate Facebook Into Your e-Commerce Sales Process]

And finally…

This job isn’t a one off, you’ll need to keep working at this regular, making it a place that people will want to keep checking back to.  A successful brand will really pay off though and with time you should get as much from it as you put in.

[Read also: 5 Reasons Why Pinterest is Becoming the Best Social Media Marketing Tool]

What is your opinion of using social networking in building a brand? Add your comments here.


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