Twitter is one of the top social media around and today, almost every blogger and business owner have a Twitter account.
Before this, I had like 400 over Twitter followers and with my simple trick; I managed to increase to over 1300 followers in just one week.
Before you read on, I would like to clarify that my trick does not involve any cash investment as I did not buy any Twitter followers or pay for any Twitter services to increase my followers.
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Do you have a Twitter account? How many followers do you have? Let us know in the comments.
What have I done?
I followed every follower who followed me. Apart from that, I begin following other Twitter users as well and managed to get some of them to follow me back. It is true that not every Twitter user will follow you back, but if 50% of them follow you back, you will get at least 50 followers out of 100 Twitter users which you have followed.
If you keep repeating the process of following other Twitter users until a limit for instance 1000 users, you might already have around 500 Twitter users following you. The problem which you have now is the amount of users that you are following is about twice your followers. You need to unfollow back those users who did not follow you back in order to have a better statistic.
To be really straight, unfollow Twitter users who did not follow you is not a simple task. You need to list all your followers and check each and every follower whether did they follow you or not. It is a lot of work and you will probably give up the next hour.
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A better way to unfollow Twitter users
Software is there to help people and there is one web application which can solve the problem that most Twitter users are facing. The web application is called ManageFlitter and you can use this tool to unfollow all the Twitter users that did not follow you.
It is simple to use and you can select up to 100 Twitter users at a time to unfollow them with a single click. The best thing of this application is that it is totally free where you can use it at zero cost.
Unfollowing Twitter users who did not follow you is a problem which most Twitter users are facing and you should give a shot on this application if you do not have any paid Twitter services.
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What do you think of this strategy to increase Twitter followers? Do you have any better strategies to share? Tell us in the comments.
This is a great way to grow Twitter followers and my Twitter name is @F2rbL, iof you interested to follow me.
Thanks for commenting Ferb.
I haven’t tried Manage Flitter, but I have seen it mentioned before. I use Tweepi which looks simiar. It will tell you who isn’t following you, and you can use it to find relevant followers pretty easy. It is free too and easy to use. I will look into Manage Flitter when I get more time.
I don’t think it is too difficult to get followers if you find and follow people with similar interests. Keeping up with it is another task though. A large percentage will follow you back. Also if the people have numbers where it looks like they follow other people they are more likely to follow you. If they have thousands of followers, but only follow 50 most likely they won’t follow you.
Bottom line is you can follow everyone, but if they don’t have similar interests they are probably not that interested in what you are about. They are probably doing something similar as you. You can use something like this software to get some built up, but after while when you get the numbers up you might want to be more selective with who you follow.
That’s very true Ray. If you follow a twitter user which has a lot of followers but only follows a few, it’s almost 100% sure that he/she won’t follow you. It’s not a bad idea to increase the number of followers with this method mentioned by Alan for a start, it sure will bring a beginner to a new level.
I guess at the end of the day, everyone who wants to increase their followers need to have a clear vision and goals regardless of the methods used.
I’ve never used ManageFlitter, let alone Tweepi. I think I’ll have to let Alan answer that (thanks Alan :)).
Thanks for sharing your thoughts Ray.
I haven’t use Tweepi before. I used Manage Flitter simply because it is a free tool and it appears to be one of the few google top searched tools. Initially I have the intention to get TweetAdder but think of giving the free tool a shot before going for any paid service. But I have to agree with you that only people with the similar interest can generate good traffic.
Your tips is indeed true, that is what i did when first time create an account. I follow those that
in my same niche and that’s the start of more followers. I did not use any tool to get more followers.
This tool’s main purpose is to unfollow users. I still can handle the process of following users manually 😉
Its better to follow those people only who have same interest as you have. Having 1000 target follower(those who have interest what you have tweeting) is much better than 10000 followers which has no interest what you are tweeting.
By the way Post is very nice. thanks for sharing.
Yes it’s a nice post by Alan sharing his personal Twitter experience. I agree with you Atish! It’s better to have quality than quantity, but for a start, this method is not a bad idea after all.
I have to agree in quality over quantity. But then again, for a profile with 0 or less than 30 followers is very unlikely to gain Twitter followers easily because it might appear as a fake account or what. I choose to start following people first simply because I want to have a nice Twitter profile to attract others into following me.
That’s understandable Alan 🙂
That was really gold mine article. Strategics in improving twitter followers and gain a handsome amount of traffic have been an indispensable one for social media marketing. Got a handful of tips and learning here. Now its time for applied learning.
Well Jeane, to be really honest, I still have not found any strategy to gain a good traffic in Twitter yet. What I do is to tweet at least 3 times a day to my 1000 over followers. What about you? Do you have a better idea to get more traffic from Twitter?
Another great way to unfollow twitter followers who didn’t follow you is by going to You connect to your twitter account and just sort by users who you follow but don’t follow you. Then unfollow them. You can unfollow up to 125 per day. Which is a good amount and that way the folks at Twitter won’t think you are a spammer by unfollowing too many people agressively.
I’ll check iUnfollow out. Thanks for sharing your thoughts John.
I use TweetAdder and it saves me much time in following and unfollowing users.
I’ve always wanted to know more about TweetAdder Adeline, I’ve heard good comments on this tool. How’s the result so far for you with it?
This is good solution and I have used this before. I went all the way up to 5000 followers and then this some testing for few weeks and found that this followers are very untargeted and you can’t get any visitors to your website or retweets or whatever.
But the thing is that it makes you account look very well on your website sidebar and targeted website visitors want to fallow this guy who already has thousands of followers.
This method should be stopped when you’ve reached a certain amount of followers and after that, it might be good to start selecting those who are of same interest with you to follow. Thanks for the comment Mike.
I have 200 followers now. What I do is follow people with greater follow back rate. And I thank every person who follows me in my tweets(that’s how i earned 30 followers one day). Interaction is key factor in gaining followers.
If you do a mass follow such that your follower count is way lesser than following count, You can’t follow people once you reach 2k following count.. you gotta unfollow someone..
This is certainly growth hacking way. Do you thing it will be today as well since it’s 2 years later that I am reading this article from the time you wrote it?
Also, I think organic followers list take time to be built. But consistent and high quality content really helps. Let me know your thoughts. Thanks, Anuj
I personally do not think this is a very good way to gain followers with the same interest. However, it was and is still a very good way to gain the amount of followers if you are a new Twitter account users that are looking to make your numbers look “decent”.
I use for Searching User- Tweet RT and Favorite listing and deletion – Unfollower finding an deletion. Even the site is new, it works well!
Site also allows you to see any twitter user’s (included yours) unfollowers, followers and followings without login.
Of course it’s free and unlimited!