Cloud storage services do a good job with their security measures for the most part, but it’s unwise for someone to rely entirely on them to keep his files …
Suddenly, you get up in the middle of night screaming and finding yourself cold sweat, but relaxed after seeing that you are in bed and it was just a …
Laptops are preferred by many business people because they are lightweight and portable. If you’re not quite finished with the important report that’s due in the morning but a …
Angry Birds is an exciting, fun, and at times extremely frustrating game to play with. It’s a game associated with education and learning based on the laws of physics …
That the fall in privacy is in synchrony with the rise in technology is a pretty common known fact. And so accordingly, your Android phone, that was once the …
Receiving emails can be quite overwhelming at times. This is especially true if you avoid opening your inbox for a few days or even weeks. It’s important to keep …
There are many jobs where you spend a lot of hours sitting at a desk clicking, writing, reading. And as your laptop/computer become the tools of your trade you …
While laptops are convenient and all when you’re using it for work or academic purposes, I am of the opinion that they just don’t cut it when it comes …