When it comes to choosing a good web host, you should never compromise. Good hosting will ensure more visitors to your web site and results in better revenues. There are many good web hosting services available in the market today but SiteGround certainly stands out from them. SiteGround came into existence in the year 2004 and today hosts more than 400,000 domains globally. It offers shared hosting, VPS, Dedicated web hosting for users. So in this post, we have mentioned some of the top reasons that make SiteGround hosting as your main web hosting service.

1. Reliability
SiteGround has made its image as one of the most reliable hosting company today. SiteGround offers many plans that are not only good but also very easy on your pocket. You can rely on their 30-day money back guarantee. SiteGround regularly monitors your site for hacks and malware attacks. This becomes very important especially if you are using a WordPress site.
2. Plans
Why to go to any other web host if you get so many plans with SiteGround. There are a variety of plans for you to choose from. You can choose from shared to cloud servers, dedicated hosting, and even reseller hosting etc. The plans offered by SiteGround are very flexible and cheap, so you can choose as per the best requirement. You can get a SiteGround coupon that will help you get discount on their hosting plans.
SiteGround offers three plans in Shared and Managed hosting. These plans are Startup, GrowBig, and GoGeek. With StartUp plan you get one domain registration and 10 GB HDD space. GoGeek plan offers you unlimited domain with 30 GB of HDD space. Each plan allocates you with unlimited bandwidth. The prices for plans range from $9.95/month to $29.95/month. The servers of SiteGround are located at three locations, United States, Europe, and Asia-Pacific. You can choose from three kinds of servers namely Entry Server at $229/month, Power Server for $329/month and Enterprise Server for $429/month. SiteGround also offers a very good Reseller hosting plan that is solely based on credits. You need 5 credits to start this plan and the credits start at as low as $42/credit. These credits will never expire ever and actually stand for a year.
3. Features, Uptime, Speed, and Performance
What makes SiteGround the most promising web hosts is its Uptime, Speed, and Performance. The majority of the companies today offer good speed, uptime, and performance but fail on delivering it. With SiteGround you actually get to see your monthly uptime even if you are a new user. At present SiteGround has a 99.99% uptime and you will notice that it has no downtime. This is one of the reasons why customers are happy with it. It is extremely beneficial for WordPress users since it keeps emails and backup of your data. All these features are offered at a very affordable price. It gives you easy WordPress installation along with easy dashboard and cPanel. You can easily customize your website without much of hassle. What you get as bonus features are Dedicated IPs, SSL certificates, and in-house supercacher technology with SiteGround web hosting. You are also entitled to a variety of FAQ guides related to setting up your website. These guides prove highly informative and easy to understand for both newbies and geeks.
4. User Interface
The user interface is very good with SiteGround. It uses the simplest and sleek version of CPanel for its hosting plans. Such an easy and friendly interface makes it easier to work with up sells and advertisements, accessing e-mails, FTP, and other services. You can manage backups from the main interface itself. You will get one click installs using Softaculous that will give you a site setup and ready to go in just a few minutes.
5. Customer Support
SiteGround’s customer service is something that sets it apart from others. Customer support has been taken to a whole new level with its 24×7 service and ticketing tool. The reason why SiteGround has been in the news is undoubtedly for its excellent customer care service. You are assured to get very fast responses for your queries with the ticketing tool. The customer support staff at SiteGround is highly trained to handle all kinds of situations. The technical is also one of the best and take great care of servers and network. Even though the technical things at SiteGround make the chances of any glitch minimum, you can still always contact the SiteGround staff in case of emergencies.
So when we talk about SiteGround as a web host, it surely has a lot to offer you. As a SiteGround user, you will be offered high-quality network infrastructure, affordable prices, excellent customer service CloudFlare CDN and a sense of faith in them. SiteGround offers you trustworthy and high quality hosting solutions. You can actually take your first step with SiteGround if you are looking to establish your website.
[Image via: Google Images]